Duo Exhibition
Stars that have grown in my heart
This concept is inspired by the Korean idiomatic expression “별난구석” (byeol-nan-gu-seok). “별난” means strange and “구석” means a corner. “별난구석” combines two words, and usually conveys a sarcastic nuance. However, in a literal way, “별난구석“ means “Stars that have grown in a corner”.(별=star, 난=grow, 구석=corner) Everyone has one’s own “별난구석” that shines like a star in a corner deep within ourself. I observed and express what have grown in my heart.
Have you ever listened to the sound of the waves resonating in your heart?
Duo Exhibition,2023
Album Cover
This is the Album cover of song “Choon-gon”(Spring Fever) by Zinggo.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Digital Drawing, 2021
I drew his album cover and the animation of M/V.

Essay Book
This essay shares the writer thougts on his love story from the first meeting to the break-up. This author had an interesting way to describe emotions so I decided to illustrate his book. I draw the cover and the 10 illustrations of this book.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Ink on paper, 2019

This novel for young people, it designed to be read within a coffee break.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Ink on paper, 2018
I illustrated the cover and the 10 illustrations of this book.
I got a strong impression in this story and tried to express it.

Essay Book
This book deals with the life of nowadays young women. Its targets are 20 – 30 female readers. I made the 30 illustrations of this book.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Colored pencil, Pencil, Acrylic, Oil-pastel on paper, 2015

Magazine Big Issue
This magazine is edited by a charity and sold by homeless people in big cities such as London and Seoul. I illustrated fashion articles for 2 editions of this magazine.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Colored pencil, Guache on paper, 2016, 2017

Magazine GQ
I illustrated fashion ads published in a GQ special edition. I integrated the suits to sell in famous impressionnist paintings.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Acrylic on paper, 2017

Magazine Conceptzine
I illutrated a black and white portrait of Jongsin Yoon, a Korean singer, for the korean magazine Conceptzine.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Pencil, Oil-pastel on paper, 2017

Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
I made the icons of the youth summer camp catalog of Seoul Education Department
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Brush-pen on paper, 2015

I draw the portraits of the top managers of the main broadcast companies of Korea on the occasion of this industry yearly seminar.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Colored pencil, oil pastel on paper, 2017

France Bike Tour is a Korean guide company operating in France. I drew weekly webtoons for them during one season.
Illustrated by Hyeri Kim, Ipad, Digital drawing 2020